Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Just down the road a ways....

Just down the road is this place. Quarai . 
It's about 45 minutes away and a good spot to enjoy the day or test a nine dollar Holga.


  1. Nice one. Always a challenge to get those walls to stand up straight. My best pictures there have been from simple cameras.

  2. It is quite the challenge and to get the shadows just so. Thanks for the visit.

  3. I love Quarai, easy to get to and a dramatic structure. You did very well with this image. This reminds me I need to make another day trip out there. Hmm ... I wonder if the NM Film Photographers group could make it a field trip? Hmm...

  4. I would be up for a mettup there...It's not too far and a great setting for a little day trip.
