Wednesday, February 27, 2019

My Heart Breaks...

Abandoned houses kind of break my heart...
There are many in the world and I can't help but stop and make photos of them when I come across one.
You see, I have a history with abandoned houses. One of the first home I remember living in, (west of Dayton, Texas on Hwy 90) was flooded during Hurricane Carla. I was almost six years old at the time and I remember Mom and Dad packing up some of our stuff and us leaving to go stay in a motel while the storm blew through, and boy did it blow! It ruined a lot of our things and floated the tiles off the floor. I remember my Mom saying she wouldn't live in a place that flooded, so my Dad bought another house and had it moved to a piece of property on the side of a hill.

Mom and Dad sold the Hurricane Carla house and the people that bought it used it to store hay was never lived in again after we sold it and it eventually fell down due to disrepair and abandonment.

I loved that house. I learned to ride a bike there, shoot a pellet gun and started first grade there, plus my baby sister was born when we had that place. My Mom almost died there, but that's another story for another time. We had ducks, pigs and chickens and a couple of ornery Black angus cows that never stayed in the fenced in pasture. 

Oh, and we had 42 acres there with no was beside the railroad tracks and I used to watch the Amtrack train pass by at night and wonder about the people I could see inside the lit up cars.

The photo of the house above (near Amarillo, Texas) reminds me of that long gone place full of memories. 

I'll talk about the house on the side of the hill at another time... it has its own story of abandonment as well.


  1. It’s nice to have a backstory to explain your thoughts behind an image. To us on the other side of the big pond it conjures the romanticised idyll of rural America we see in old films.

  2. Thanks for stopping by....I have loads of backstory for old houses...a couple that I have lived in...there is a romanticized idyll of sorts i guess if you don't look too close...
