Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Intervening Light Leaks

Holgas are notorious for having light leaks. It's part of their charm or frustration in use.

This particular light leak seems appropriate for the subject. 

You just never know how or when or why sometimes.....

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Apparently, Some Trees have Stylists..

 Someplace west of Amarillo, on a windy plain, this tree has made the best of being here.

It's got a sculptural vibe going on. 

Nine Dollar Holga with HP5 dunked in caffenol.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Pete's...all gone!

 Ever since I moved here, which is going on nineteen years now, I've been driving over to Moriarty to make a photo of this place.  It's (was) a hole of a dive kind of place and a few weeks ago they scraped it off the Earth. I watched them do it. It was sad in a way, but the building was dangerous and down right ratty.

It's gone now! The trees are still there, but I need to go check on them and see if they really left them alone.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022


 It's been a long time since I've been here, but I'm still using the nine dollar Holga. The price of film keeps going up, but I have a good stash so far and plan to keep using film as long as it's being made and doesn't make me bankrupt.